Note : Since 1992-93 Adamson has worked on uncovering the truth of what really happened in the Crime of the Past Century. He has kept the West Palm Beach Sheriff's informed of all discoveries and there is the link that holds his work together legally.


1600 Market Street 32nd floor
Philadelphia, PA, 19103
(March 30, 1999)

Re: The U.S. Governments' purchase of the Abraham Zapruder film
To the Honorable Arlin Adams, Kenneth R. Feinberg &Walter Estes Dellinger, III:
I, Bruce Campbell Adamson, am submitting this report. Except for exhibit
seven, I have copyrighted the entire report and all of its exhibits. This report is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge.


The purpose of this report is to save the U.S. Government millions when making
the decision as to how much Zapruder's heirs should be compensated.


This author will show conflicts of interest and relationships between Zapruder
and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Former Congressman Leon Panetta has
supported my research and had submitted it to the Judiciary Committee of Congress,
but nothing ever came of it. I believe you will or should be interested in this report.
See exhibits 8-B, 8-D, 8-E.

As a former Federal employee, I brought this to Congressman Leon Panetta and
other parts of the Governments attention in 1992-93 on several occasions. These discoveries
came at a cost of more than $100,000 dollars and seven years of research. I
have written and published The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart and nine volumes
of Oswald's Closest Friend; The George de Mohrenschildt Story. Under the Rules of
the Whistleblowing Act, I was in a position to be compensated had I pressed the U.S.
Government on this issue. I have uncovered evidence and proof that certain individuals
within the CIA were behind the assassination of President Kennedy.

Under theWhistleblower Protection Act of 1989 it states that Federal employees who make disclosures described in section 2302(b)(8) of title 5, US Code, serve the public interest
by assisting in the elimination of fraud, waste, abuse, and unnecessary Government
expenditures. In reading the Act I read that the act protects former federal employees.

Any questions email me at