Bruce Campbell Adamson PO Box 3511, Santa Cruz, CA, 95063 --- EMAIL is


On October 26, 1992 President George H. W. Bush signed into law The JFK Record's Review Board Act. Government was suppose to gather all information pertaining to the JFK assassination. when the bullets started flying. Bush admitted knowing Oswald's CIA pal since 1942. Letter below click on link. If you were friends with Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA pal would you signed into law The JFK Records Review Board Act of 1992? Letter from CIA Director to de Mohrenschildt to the right 1976 the year their friend Howard Hughes allegedly died. The Review Board Act made no mention of de Mohrenschildt, not a single word. One might like to note that William Barr was Bush Sr. and Jr.'s counsel along with Donald Trump's. What advice did he give Geo. H. W. Bush?

George H. W. Bush's letter also in 1993

Adamson was given the brush off when Henry Wade who had been in charge of the JFK assassination at the time in November 22, 1963. They paid the Zapruder family heirs 16 million dollars even though the heirs were closely link to the de Mohrenschildt family, Dallas Council on World Affairs and the CIA. Adamson's first letter was responded to by Henry Wade, yet not Adamson's second letter dated May 12, 1993 which contained much more substance than the first letter.

Santa Cruz Sentinel Steve Perez to White House Oct. 13, 1992, two weeks before Bush Sr. signed into law JFK Record's Review Board Act Steve Perez hired by Adamson gave President George H. W. Bush a two week warning before he failed to disclose of his relationship to de Mohrenschildt and he signed into law The JFK Records Review Board Act. Relating to the JFK assassination and a believer in law and order and does not encourage violence on anyone and strongly supports the US government no matter what a few bad apples may have done. Research shows the living what can be discovered long after the guilty parties have departed.

Santa Cruz Sentinel to Bush Sr. page one.

Santa Cruz Sentinel to Bush Sr. page two.

Santa Cruz Sentinel to White House page 1 of article.

BRUCE Adamson vs. Henry Wade of Roe vs. Wade.

Geary, Porter & West
Attn.: Henry Wade
16475 Dallas Parkway, Suite 550 Dallas, Texas, 75245

May 12,1993 ---- [30 years after de Mohrenschildt met with Vice President LBJ and before JFK's demise]

Dear Mr. Wade:

Thank you for your letter of March 24, 1993. I appreciate your answers...

Did you know that George de Mohrenschildt met with LBJ on April 26, 1963? Would you know of anyone who specializes in research on de Mohrenschildt or whose might have material that others do not have access to? We are also interested in the Dallas Council on World Affairs in the 1950s and 1960s. Could you tell us why John A. Crichton was the one to chose the interpreter for Marina Oswald, when he lacked the authority? In researching some old FBI documents on de Mohrenschildt we found your name mention as we did with FBI man J.P. Hosty. The document is dated six years before the JFK assassination and was a result to Jeanne Le Gon's marriage to George de Mohrenschildt. My collaborator [Steve Perez writer homicide at Santa Cruz Sentinel] and myself were hoping that you could shed some light on the portion that is in the dark? It would be greatly appreciated if you could assist us in clarify what were the FBI's intentions in 1957 of tailing the de Mohrenschildt's and what you had to add to their investigation. Let me thank you for your previous letter and would you be interested in reading our book proposal and making comments and suggestions?

Bruce Campbell Adamson = No response to this letter from Henry Wade.