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Adamson had just completed his only real estate transaction to this date by leasing a home to the youngest male ever to who has won an Academy Award, Timothy Hutton for Ordinary People. On the other side of the Colony of Hutton's home is the well known Adamson House Museum. Adamson's childhood housekeeper Irene listed on home page worked for Timothy's father originally in the Mailbu Colony long before she worked for Tim. Please note that Adamson is not making any claims that he is related to the Adamson Family who owned Adohr Milk. The milk was amed after Rhoda Ringe-Adamson. This family owned 28 miles of Malibu coast line in the late 1800s. It was a tough call but Deputy L.A. County Fire Chief Bob Sarno he would have to devote much of his force to protecting the residents at Malibu Colony. It took Sarno just 15 minutes to make this decision.
Los Angeles County fire officials said that by nightfall the Dayton Canyon fire had destroyed 30 homes in Latigo Canyon and 41 mobile homes in Paradise Cove, a coastal enclave south of Point Dume. The fire consumed more than 30,000 acres of canyon brush and grasslands, mostly in Los Angeles County...Firefighters said the flames, pushed by 60 m.p.h. Santa Ana winds; jumped nearly PCH highway in small fireballs, "as if fired from a cannon." Tall, graceful eucalyptus trees inside the complex exploded, and the dense smoke and glow from the flames gave the ocean a bronze sheen. Paradise Cove is where Jim Rockford, the private detective kept his trailer in the T.V. series. The L.A. Times reported that David Lifton, 19 was inside his home when he heard the commotion. He only had time to take off running toward the beach before his home was consumed. "I looked back up and all I saw was a ball of fire," he said late in the afternoon, his eyes searching the rubble for anything usable or wearable. He was left with little more than the shirt and jeans he wore, and they were black with ash and smoke. Mr. Lifton is a also an author who specializes in the JFK Assassination and he too has purchased the entire set of the de Mohrenschildt Story.
On Pacific Coast Highway at Escondido
Beach, a man drove his V.W. up to a police roadblock and shouted
at an officer: "I gotta get through, man, I went through
this in 1978. My kids could be dying up there." The officer
responded soberly, "You are blocking the road, sir."
Near Latigo Canyon, a man whose family lived in the fire danger
area ran a Highway Patrol roadblock, dragging an officer for
a few feet. Other officers jumped in and arrested the man, three
dozen people jeered them," The L.A. Times
reported. Arson was the suspected cause of the Malibu blaze, which started early Saturday morning in Dayton Canyon, west of Hidden Hills, then burned a 20-mile long swath that included parts of both Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Several homes were destroyed along the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway, between Kanan Dume and the mouth of Corral Canyon. At dusk, flames spread down to the PCH at several points along Corral Beach. Dozens of engine companies guarded a 76 gasoline station and others lined Corral Canyon Road to protect a recreational vehicle park. At least twice flames threatened to break into the 125-space park, which was mostly empty as travelers moved their trailers and recreational vehicles. I can guarantee you one thing Jim Robert's did not forget me in 1983. I remember the day he drove up on to the Ranch after the main fire had passed through. He was driving a white Cadallic and had another man in the passenger seat. I asked with bucket in hand "Mr. Robert's is it OK if I spend the day putting out the small fires at the base of trees." He said "Yes." To me it was a work out. For having been brought up in Malibu I would during the 1980s run the hills 20-30 miles three times a week. At the mouth of Corral Canyon entrance about a block in is the entrance to the Fred Roberts Ranch. This is where Bruce Adamson's story comes into play. My friendship to Jimmy Roberts was between 1970 and 1975. It was 50 odd years ago. Yet some people never forget. Why hold on to such hostility? In my younger years it seems that every time I did something wrong they kept a record of it. So what I did is to get letters every time I did something right. Jim senior was a great business man. For my critics I found the original letter and enlarge the signature of Mr. Jim Roberts. Ironically the 2nd great grandson
of Pacho Marquez asked me to locate the Marquez cemetary at 238
San Lorenzo Road in Santa Monica canyon. Their last name is On October 9th, 1982 Adamson left his home on Stanford Avenue [owned by the Greek Spiro family that owned the restaurant The Malibu Sea Lion] to assist the Robert Family's ranch. No one had called me for assistance, I took it upon myself to assist. For throughout the 1970s I had been a close friend of Jimmy Roberts who treated me like a brother. We met when we both started working at the miserable job of Consolidated Pet Foods. We both quite at the same time. Jimmy wanted to be a musician where his family wanted him to follow in footsteps of Jim and Fred. Spoke to Steve Roberts in 2024 who filled me in on some of the Robert's family history. Jimmy's family used to own all of the property at Big Rock, Malibu. His family were wealthy and they owned a 1,000 acre ranch in Malibu. Jimmy, a songwriter and musician took to me possibly because uncle Harold was also a songwriter. When I went up to Malibu to shoot photographs of the 1978 fire, I ran into a Chris Gordon who had been Jimmy Robert's guitar teacher. Jimmy had real talent as a musician friends of Randy California, Lester and the Chamber's Brothers and other well known rock and roll musicians from the 1960/70s era. He had many songs written up in a songbook and yet lost it. Jimmy's father and mother Jim &
Betty Roberts would have me over to their Big Rock Canyon home
for barbeques. Betty was truly the best looking mother of all
my friends. She had doubled for Doris Day in The Glassbottom
Boat. On several occasions they invited me over to Catalina
Isla I remember waking up early Saturday morning and driving out to Malibu to see if there was a way to help out and pay them back for their hospitality. I arrived after the main wave passed through the Solstice Canyon, the fire had done it's main damage and passed through the Robert's Ranch. There were no fire engines devoted to helping the trees. I grabbed a bucket and began watering down the burning trees using the creek for my source of water. I was a one-man-operation. The only person on the ranch who devoted his energy to preserve the tree life. Jim Roberts, Sr. drove in and thanked me for thinking of their interests. When I arrived there was no large blazing fires, yet many of the trees on the Robert's Ranch were still burning at the base. The Robert's Ranch home had already
burned. I just kept saying to myself, "Someday, someone
will be thankful that I had the insight to spend the time on
helping these beautiful trees and possibly saving their lifes.
I acted swiftly by spending the entire day run Solstice Canyon National Park which was christened on June 19, 1988. I found a plaque with a horseshoe in the center with the palm prints of Fred and Florence Roberts with their two sons Jim and Jack embeded in the waterfalls. The boys hands were half the size of mine. Jimmy, my friend, was the son of Jim. We had a lot of good times together on this ranch. On February 25, 2002, I made the trip
to Solstice Canyon and found myself getting all choked up. I
was emotional, for a lot of the trees that I had helped were
still alive and now a part of this Federal National Park a generation
after the fact. I had forgotten my good deed and had not known
the property was opened to the public till I visited the ranch
on this day. I was one of those people who enjoyed the beautiful
tree life twenty years later, it literallly brought tears to
my eyes. I will never forget the memories I had at the Robert's
Ranch. Riding the horses was a lot of fun and swimming in the
pool. It was much more enlightening than working at Consolidated
Pet Foods where Jimmy and I crammed dead cows into bags for the
Rich and Famous in the West Los Angeles area. I do not claimed
to be an expert on the Robert's family history just what I mustered
The house was later featured in an issue of Architectural Digest for it's stunning blend of natural features within the design, including waterfalls, creeks and trees. Today you can see a small part of the past in the horseshoes and colorful pieces of glass glittering in the walkways at Tropical Terrace, near the building's foundations. Fred Roberts made a fortune off of an idea to raffle off a 300 foot Yacht which became a national contest. A man from Compton won the boat. This allowed Fred Robert's to open up a chain of liquor stores throughout the Los Angeles County area. Back to the Robert's Ranch. Other evidence of human interaction with land includes two tall tan buildings on the hillside, which stand as landmarks to another era. Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. a subsidiary of Tompson-Ramo-Wooldridge (TRW), rented 10 acres from the Roberts Family from 1961-1973. TRW tested satellite equipment for space missions, including the Pioneer series, and conducted medical research in magnetic resonance imaging. Solstice Canyon was chosen to conduct such tests, due to its convenient location, and its lack of human-made and natural disturbances. Today, Solstice Canyon still serves as a haven from city life. The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy first opened Solstice Canyon as a public park on June 19, 1988. It is now managed by the National Park Service. |