Bruce Campbell Adamson PO Box 3511, Santa Cruz, CA, 95063 --- EMAIL is



Photo taken in 1935 near equator by Douglas Adamson aboard the Joseph Conrad - Treasure Island Right! Douglas married Nancy Kissam Ely who was descended from seven passengers on the Mayflower. They were William and Mary and their son Love Brewster. John Alden, Priscilla Mullins and her father William. Richard Warren. The Mayflower was a lot like the Joseph Conrad which was built in 1882. Today there are estimated ten million US citizens who are descended from the 100 passengers of the Mayflower. 35 million around the world.

Leon Panetta presented Adamson's book The Life and Times of Captain George W. Ely to former New York Mayor Rudolph Guiliani and to Richard Grasso the New York Stock Exchange Chairman. Click here for letter.

Memorial to one of Los Angeles Police's finest Larry Piesco.

CLICK HERE FOR Memorial to Larry Piesco, L.A.P.D.


47 Years ago I was in two Malibu fires. The 1978 was worse than 1982 fire.

Click to see 1978 fire report by Bruce. Never worked so hard in my life helping others under very windy conditions. Read on. Winds were pouring black smoke into homes.

Click to see 1982 fire report by Bruce, read on and see images.

Click to see people who crossed Bruce's path on his path to his past.

Former Congressman Leon Panetta spoke to Veteran's Voice in 1990s on Adamson's research pertaining to JFK's assassination within The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart ; as did chief prosecutor of JAG and California Attorney General's officer Colonel Andrew Amerson; Professor Ed Tatro; Author Anthony Summers and Pentagon USAF Colonel Fletcher Prouty. My Congressman in 1980s. Leon Panetta wrote "I send my best wishes for success in your future endeavors." After 32 years I have decided to stop publishing my 16 volumes series on The George de Mohrenschildt Story. Click to see Veteran's Voice October 1993-98.

Click to View article while I lived in Reno, Nevada. I was on Coast to Coast with George Nory in 2004.

I was able to help General Tom Bostick get some of his family photos and letters from a storage locker in Monterey, CA. Would like to see other items which may have been purchased at the Santa Cruz Flea Market circa 2015 return to Bostick. Bostick family "Sidney Bostick" who passed and lost storage locker. Years later after it was a fun story for Leon Panetta and General Bostick had worked together during hurricane Sandy on the East Coast and I had know Congressman Leon Panetta during the 1980s. General Bostick had been in charge of the Army Corps of Engineers and even though he was retired came out to help during the COVID-19 crisis. It felt good to get back the Bostick family items and posting this someone may have acquired other items would also like to see them returned to the Bostick family.

Erin Burnett interviewed Leon Panetta when she first came to CNN news, great letter from the former CIA director and Secretary of Defense. Mr. Panetta always made an attempt to get along with people on both sides of the aisle.

President John F. Kennedy

People do not realize, that I have devoted my life full time in order to bring out the truth. I learned that people do not have the time to learn the details and don't care to know. Some individuals did care, yet I was devoted to make conclusions yet did invest an estimated one half of million dollars of the terrible tragic events of November 22, 1963. At first I was out to make a profit and decided it was much too much! For people do not have the time to learn what took me 33 years to learn. Which I understand.

Rich Only in Family History

Adamson Family and the invention of stretchable clothing.

Dupont Family purchased patent for Lastex.

Click to read review of booklet by Bruce Adamson on Lastex

Click to View Cover on Lastex

In 1982 I took up genealogy after reading through a set of encyclopedia's. I was lucky to find out that I had a rich and interesting family history. Just because I am rich in family history does not mean I inherited their wealth. Just an average "Joe," yet love the stories!

Yes, I am descended from George Calvert on my mother's side of the family. Calvert owned New Foundland in the 1620s. His vision allowed the first King Charles to grant The First Lord Baltimore which contained much of the land which today is Washington D.C. Never lose sight that the Native Americans ancestors of Chief Turkey [Piscataway tribe] were here long before. I have been to the Capital of Maryland and stood before the painting of Leonard Calvert who was the first governor of Maryland and also a tenth great grandfather.

Chief Turkey was able to be buried across the river from George Washington's home, which took an act of Congress for Chief Turkey to so. Both Adamson's grandfather George W. Ely, and Adolf Hitler were gassed in World War I on Oct. 15, 1918, In different locations.

If adopted by Paul Newman, I would never have learned of my ancestors which led to forty years of digging into my family history. Henry Bidwell Ely, who built the Astoria half of The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with his wife Lillian Easton Kissam. Henry's brother Leonard Ely would become a doctor at Stanford and marry the daughter of Ray Lyman Wilbur dean of Stanford. Someone up there likes me.

Sarg. George W. Ely, cited for his service in World War One "Silver Star" citation. Ely was gassed on the Hindenberg Line on same day as Adolf Hitler was also gassed. Ely was knocked out for two weeks and almost died. Had he I would not be here today.

One does not wish retaliation on what certain individuals who may or may not have done in the demise of President John F. Kennedy just invested my time and financed to make a conclusion if Oswald did it or not. One must keep Democracy alive without burning bridges to get even.

Adamson's 3rd great-uncle George Sidney Camp wrote the bestseller Democracy in 1841.

George Sidney Camp whose bestseller in 1841 said that "all theories are based upon facts."

It was the first book in the U.S.A. on Democracy that can be found. Adamson's first book was: The Life and Times of George W. Ely, who was the nephew of George Sidney Camp. Ely was named after his uncle, Ely was born in 1840. Ely was my second great grandfather and his son built the Astoria Hotel in 1897 for John Jacob Astor, IV.

ABNER BARTLETT suggested to William Waldorf Astor in 1890 to name the hotel "The Waldorf" after his family, and the rest is history.

Henry Ely's grandfather-by-marriage Abner Bartlett built the original Waldorf 1894 on the very property where the Empire State Building rests today.

Bruce gets help from West Palm Beach Sheriff's to expose rich and famous and some CIA agents from Palm Beach on the JFK Assassination.

In 1995 Adamson working Palm Beach Florida. Grandmother Minnie Campbell also in Palm Beach married James H. Adamson in 1907. Minnie was straight from Helensborough, Scotland. Her son Hal wrote lyrics to An Affair to Remember for Deborah Kerr in 1957 who was also from Helensborough. Hal earned an Oscar nomination and the film was voted fifth most romantic film by AFI.



Earl Warren belonged to UpLifters Ranch in Santa Monica Canyon as did C. B. Wrightsman. C.B.'s daughter Charlene Wrightsman-Cassini killed herself because of Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. criminal charges against her husband. Since 1932 C.B.'s lawyer was Allen Dulles who was in charge of The Warren Commission Report. Igor Cassini's lawyer Louis Nizer wrote the introduction to the The Warren Commission Report.

In 1944 Douglas Adamson interviewed the inventor of the lie detector machine Leonarde Keeler, who played himself in the 1948 film Call Northside 777. Leonarde Keeler died the following year in 1949, Douglas was voted in 1948 one of the top ten D.J.'s in the USA by Billboard Magazine while working at KLAC in Los Angeles at the time of the release.

In the film James Stewart played a terrific role as an investigative journalist and helps in trying to prove a convicted murder innocent. I watched it on TCM in June of 2024, alongside of Lee J. Cobb. Film had great timing and would highly recommend viewing this true story. Call Northside 777 is not a well known film, yet it kept me on the edge of my seat. It was seven years later that Lee J. Cobb was in On the Waterfront. Five Stars! In the late 1920s or early 1930s Douglas Adamson sat in the electric chair at Sing Sing, N.Y.



Click to read Stephen Kay lawyer for USA vs. Charles Manson

Click to read letter from Colonel Andrew Amerson partner of Stephen Kay lawyer for United States vs. Lawrence Bittaker. Amerson was a chief prosecutor for the JAG see obituary.

Click to see Andrew Amerson obituary and biography. Won US Supreme Court Case against Bittaker, yet faced death before the culprit of the terrible acts.

Click to see Andrew Amerson and Stephen Kay Death on Appeal Santa Monica Sea Breeze 1991. Stephen Kay has given several great interviews on Youtube about the Bittaker case.


1992 photograph of Adamson on the The Joseph Conrad in Mystic, CT. This 100 foot clipper ship was sailed around the world in 1935; which Adamson's father Douglas sailed around the world in 1935 sixty years earlier. In the same year Clark Gable, Charles Laughton and Franchot Tone were in the film Mutiny on the Bounty. The only film in Oscar history when three actors were competing against each other in the same film for an Oscar. They all lost to Victor MacLaglen who won best actor Oscar for Informer. In 1944 MacLaglen co-sung a song written by Douglas' brother Harold Adamson in the 1944 film The Princess and the Pirate with Virginia Mayo and Bob Hope. In 1909 MacLaglen fought Jack Johnson as a boxer in an exposition fight. Muhammed Ali said Johnson was the best fighter of the century. A search of the internet is worthy to hear Ali's words on Jack Johnson. Bruce shook Ali's hand in 1987 who many say "Was the Greatest." In 1935 when dad Douglas sailed around the world on the Conrad, he arrived in Seattle, WA and purchased a Harley Davidson and road across the US and arrived with a beard on the shores of Larchmont, NY. His father named a street after him Douglas Lane. Photo of Bruce on the Conrad at Mystic CT.

I was known as The Beaver, until I had a motorcycle accident. The kids in high school would really rubbed it in and were cruel. Hardest lesson in life, "Do not drink and drive." Bruce knocked out his "Bucky Beaver," teeth. When I crashed there was a gal on the back of motorcycle "Gina" am glad she did not get hurt. For I would today still be walking with cloud over my head. Instead I lost my front two teeth. Uncle William Bakewell was on one episode of the show Leave it to Beaver as the father of one of Beaver's friends. Bakewell was one of the founders of the Screen Actor's Guild; and was in films such as 1939 Gone With the Wind and 1928 All is Quiet on the Western Front. In 1927 Bakewell was in an impressive role in West Point as "Tex McNeil," and was a young man at age 20. It was a great piece of history! He was not a real uncle we just called him "uncle Bill." My father would have "uncle Bill" come to Santa Monica when ever he purchased shoes for me as a young boy. Bakewell was also in Romance on the High Seas and had a small part with Doris Day. William Bakewell had a larger role with Lionel Barrymore in the 1931 film Guilty Hands, when he is to marry Lionel's daughter Madge Evans. Also in film is Kay Francis.

Click to read Tim McHargue's -----} A Box of Poems

2008 Bruce Campbell Adamson Threatened to Chop

Arm of California Supreme Court Justice Addison Niles

Click to read article.

Bruce Adamson -- Books -

Watch 10 minute clip of 1 hour long video: 1,000 Points of Light on JFK, Diana and Sept. 11th with Bruce Adamson on Nightly News as Researcher and on JFK's assassination by clicking here.

"Bruce Campbell Adamson digs UP Roots in 1985." Click to read article.

TRANSLATIONS of ADAMSON's WEBSITES in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, and Italian.

Before there was BRUCE LEE ---}


Anna May Wong was a guest at the Adamson residence home in Larchmont, New York. Minnie Campbell-Adamson from Scotland. and Anna Wong seen in photograph below. Wong will be the first Chinese actress honored by the US government and found herself on a United States quarter. If you are interested in buying a roll of uncirculated Anna May Wong quarters please send me an email at

On another positive note Mrs. Harold Adamson became friends with Madame S. T. Ting Wong who took Gretchen to China five times. I had the honor to videotape her cooking shrimp and peas at her home in West Los Angeles. Colonel Andrew Amerson a former prosecutor for the US Army interviewed the famous CHINESE COOK author of Long Life to Chinese Cooking. Watch her in action at 100 years old, sharp as a tack.

Madame S. T. Ting Wong. This great teacher was friends with aunt Gretchen. There were over one million copies of Long-Life Chinese Cookbook sold of Madame Wong's book that was coauthored by Sylvia Schulman. Yet how many were signed? Seller had five copies signed by Madame Wong through her family.

Wong's book was co-authored with Sylvia Schulman, wife of Samuel Schulman the former owner of the Seattle basketball team. On the cover Sylvia states her husband's basketball team's coach was Bill Russell and others in the basketball world as well as by many well-known entertainers. It was a bestselling cook book.

Madame S.T. Ting Wong passed away on May 19, 2008

As rookie I produced a 15 minute video Madame Wong at the age of 100 cooking Shrimp and Peas. "Still Cooking at 100 Years Shrimp and Peas." While in China she cooked dinners for three United States Presidents. Madame Wong taught at UCLA, and many well known actors.

Wong taught Wolfgang Puck how to Peking duck at his restaurant, Chinois in Santa Monica.

;Click to watch 15 minute video cooking at 100 years old author


At the age of 15 Bruce was the senior reporter, editor and printer of the school newspaper at Boys Town of the Desert. 35 years later on May 28, 2005 Bruce C. Adamson turned 51 years old! As a historian, genealogist I am a name dropper.

Adamson graduated in 1985 from Santa Monica City College. Following in his father's footsteps (Douglas M. Adamson) Bruce majored in real estate receiving his real estate license in 1981.

Bruce followed in his father's footsteps, sort of. Since 1982 he has been license by the California Department of Real Estate. Bruce C. Adamson was taught by the best at Santa Monica College; Professors Larry Gentry, (former neighbor to Nicole Brown-Simpson--Larry Gentry passed away on Feb. 20, 2009); William Snyder, Esq. (Attorney-Broker); William Reid, (Comedian); Silas. Ely (author of Basic Real Estate Appraisal 6th Edition. Basic Real Estate Appraisal 6th Edition Richard M. Betts MAI Silas J. Ely RECI) and others.

As a real estate agent in California Adamson closed one real estate deal to actor Timothy Hutton in 1982. Some career as my father who sold a ranch to Marion Davies and many other homes.

In 1951 Adamson & Hupp the firm in Beverly Hills sold a 10 acre ranch to Marion Davies in the Palm Springs area. Photo of Marion Davies in 1915 circa at Santa Monica Beach. Jack Hupp married Marie Windsor a beautiful actress in the 1940s, 1950s. Marie was in Adam 12, Cheyenne, Perry Mason and many other tv shows.

In 2005 Adamson was helping the family and estate of Robert and Lois Dwan, a restaurant critic for The Los Angeles Times. Robert Dwan was the director of Groucho Marx This is Your Life. Their home 229 Almafi Drive was designed by a well known home having glass sliding windows in much of the home much like the work of Philip C. Johnson, the architect was William Wallace Reid, Jr.. Like John Denver, Reid too crashed the same sort of plane in the Santa Monica Bay shortly before singer John Denver. He was the son of Wm. W. Reid who was in the silent film Birth of a Nation. I was fortunate enough to have slept in the master bedroom for a few months. If you want to see the home search the internet at 229 Almafi Drive. Arnold Scwarznegger, Marie Shriver lived on same street as did June Lockhart. The Dwan's realtor whose name escapes my memory was going to tell Rene Zellewegger that I was only helping and not a stalker. I remember selling a British Ford Corsair on Ebay and someone drove all the way out from the midwest to haul it away.

Rene Zellewegger lived on same street and was married in April of 2005 after I sung to her "Happy Birthday" on her birthday. Wish I had a camera to show the expression on her face. My intentions were sincere, not as a stalker and was a big fan of her role in the civil war film Cold Mountain. A week or so she married a country singer which lasted only a few months. The day before her birthday she walked by the car and smiled and said "Hi." My friend in Carlsbad told me the day before that tomorrow was "her birthday."

Click to read Adamson's views as a Toastmaster.

Next page >>>>

Photo of Bald Eagle in Santa Cruz 4/1/ 2002 by Bruce Adamson no fooling. I captured 12 minutes of video of the eagle with his friend a golden eagle.


If you have any questions or comments please feel free to express them in an email. Just click on the mailbox! Bruce in a boat

An interesting note is that in 1986 as a U.S. mail carrier the last person I delivered mail to was LYLE ALZADO linebacker for the Oakland Raiders. He invited me into his home and was able to get autographs for my nephews. He was truly one of the largest men in thickness I had ever seen. About six inches larger than my Samoan friend who was the Olympic weight lifter for the State of Hawaii and whom could bench press over 500 pounds in the 1970s.

Afterwards the first person I delivered mail to as a clerk was my cousin Meg Foster in Topanga Canyon all this was in 1985.

I learned in 2015 on ESPN that Alzado fought Mohamed Ali in 1979. In 1986-87 Ali at 3:00 am entered the RTD Bus on Santa Monica Blvd. while I was on my way to Pasadena. Ali sat right next to me and I had to do a double take for he still was the Champ in my eyes. When he got off the bus I had to get off and shake his hand. Ali walked all the way to the beach with wife. So I hope that a little bit of Ali and Alzado rubbed off on me. Their fight was for charity and was not an official fight. Alzado said to his wife "I hit him hard, and he hit me back much harder." Both men were great inspirations to sport fans around the United States.

Since 2010, the U.S. Post Office, China and Ebay have had a special contract for shipping items that sell on Ebay. In March 2023, the U.S. Postal Service passed a new law that when shipping currency of over 500.00 dollars it was be sent by registered mail. The postal service have not told the U.S. postal employees.


Rufus Easton was judge of the largest land mass in U.S. history

Don't forget your mailman or women at Christmas. Donuts, food or small gifts are always appreciated by your Postal Employees. In the long run it will assure better service to you for they are working very hard!

Click to read letter from author and historian Page Smith 1991

Click to read letter from Deputy Superintendent Thomas J. Donner of Santa Monica College 1991.