Bruce Campbell Adamson PO Box 3511 , Santa
Cruz, CA 95063-3511--- EMAIL is bca@got.net

The man in White
suit was friends with LBJ, the CIA and George de Mohrenschildt.
Look at LBJ's stern look at Duke.
Did he kill
himself in May of1995 on South Hampton Island Bridge? It was
a little over one year since I wrote to Angier B. Duke on his
ties to de Mohrenschildt. His response! Duke family home in Bahamas
where de Mohrenschildt and Jeanne Le Gon stayed before they knew
they would be setting Oswald up for the assassination.
to hear Bruce on Coast to Coast with George Nory in Nov. 2004.
Igor Cassini's Million Dollar Showcase
Full Cast & Crew
Series Cast
29 episodes, 1955-1956
Igor Cassini Igor Cassini ... Self - Host 28 episodes,
Otto Preminger Otto Preminger ... Self - Director1 episode,
Robert F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy ... Self - Chief Counsel
US Senate Subcmte of Investigation1 episode, 1955
Jimmy McHugh Jimmy McHugh ... Self - Composer 1 episode,
Harold Adamson Harold Adamson ... Self - Composer 1 episode,
The Cassini Girls The Cassini Girls ... Themselves 1 episode,
Angier Biddle Duke Angier Biddle Duke ... Self - US Diplomat
1 episode, 1955 [died rollerblading 40 years later].
John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy ... Self - US Senator1
episode, 1956
Jacqueline Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy ... Self - Mrs. John
F. Kennedy1 episode, 1956
Duke Ellington Duke Ellington ... Self - Composer1 episode,
Click to View article while
I lived in Reno, Nevada. I was on Coast
to Coast with George Nory in 2004.
Thanks to Elijah Milum for sharing
de Mohrenschildt video on 3,000 mile donkey trip with
"Countess and Nero."
Watch 10 minute clip of 1 hour long video: 1,000 Points
of Light on JFK, Diana and Sept. 11th with Bruce Adamson on Nightly
News as Researcher and on JFK's assassination by clicking here.
on youtube on Jeanne Le Gon and George de Mohrenschildt.
Photo of Jean Hill, lady in red at time
of JFK's passing, with Adamson and Jim Botini. Date 1992 at symposium.
Click to Bruce Adamson a month after release of Warren
Commission Report in December 1964. Click on link to few Adamson's
CafePress Store.
For JFK dvd video documentary JFK 50th Anniversary video send email to bca@got.net
It has been 33 years since I first started
piecing together the De Mohrenschildt Story into 15 volumes.
I am taking a break from selling the volumes. Let me thank those
who have supported my work in the past. In the 1990s it was fun
for radio shows were continous.
People do not realize that I devoted my life,
full time in order to bring out the truth. I learned that people
do not have the time to study the details and don't really care
to know. Some individuals do care, yet I was devoted to make
conclusions yet did not invest around one half of million dollars
to profit off of the terrible tragic events of November 22, 1963.
I had an in at the West Palm Beach Sheriff's office in Florida,
which helped me to investigate the first coroner's inquest in
the state's history. Bruce Adamson
Five years ago I sent a free volume to the
late C. Wecht who recently passed away. A tower among those researching
the JFK assassination. He specialized in the medical field. Cyril
Wecht was a great expert witness as a doctor and as a lawyer.
He lived in the same state as Joan Mellen a professor at Temple
University. The "ECR" mentioned in his letter refers
Joan Mellen means, I believe an "Excellent Credit Record."
I sent the letters to C. W. the letters from Dulles, LBJ, JFK,
to the de Mohrenschildt's before the assassination and also volume
I of the De Mohrenschildt Story.
Bruce on radio show 26 years ago on Jeff Rense
Show Sightings. has been pulled off of youtube.com
CATCH and KILL in 1997
by Larry Flynt, Ltd
Larry Flynt offered a million dollars to anyone
who could bring out the truth in the JFK assassination. In 1997
LFP, Inc. hired Adamson to write a 5000 word article on the assassination.
It was killed after paying Adamson 500.00 dollars for the troubles
and promoted Adamson's website at Christmas.
Publisher Larry Flynt was welcomed at the
Clinton White House in 1998. It was twenty years earlier that
Flynt was shot and almost killed. Article was turned into book let 45 pages
and was edited by US government writer Don Knight, Harpers Ferry,
West Virginia Click Here for Adamson's
1997 letter to LFP's publishing.
I do not wish retaliation for what certain
individuals may or may not have done to President Kennedy. One
must keep Democracy alive for the living and for this
country. Adamson's third great uncle George Sidney Camp wrote
the bestseller Democracy in 1841.
Click here
for the late Ed Sherry's letter to LFP's publishing. Sherry always
kept me abreast of what was going on in the JFK research world.
Sherry was the person who told me in the mid 1990s that Donald
Trump would run for president.
George Sidney Camp whose bestseller in 1841
said that "all theories are based upon facts." It was
the first book in the U.S.A. on Democracy that I can find.
Ironically Adamson wrote his first book: The Life and Times
of Captain George W. Ely, who was the nephew of George Sodney
Camp and was named after his uncle when he was born in 1840.
In 1995 Adamson in Palm Beach Florida.
The Palm Beach Sheriff's gave me a copy of the phone book belonging
to George de Mohrenschildt of the CIA. I worked with Officers
Sheets and Green.
Grandmother Minnie Campbell also in Palm
Beach married James H. Adamson in 1907. Minnie was straig ht
from Helensborough, Scotland. Her son Hal wrote lyrics to An
Affair to Remember for Deborah Kerr in 1957 who was also from Helensborough.
Hal received his fifth Oscar nomination.
The film was voted fifth most romantic
film by AFI. Her grandmother was a MacLeod and photo of Minnie
was taken in 1931. MacLeod is a common name in Scotland.
[November, 2023] was watching Peter Baker
[NY TIMES] on MSNBC answering Katy Tur's question "Why
does the CIA want to keep their documents sealed on the JFK assassination."
I like Katy Tur, yet Baker relied upon The Mary Ferrell Foundation
for his answer. The late Mary Ferrell's granddaughter married
CIA agent George de Mohrenschildt's grandson Curtis Taylor.
Surprising how a little bit of knowledge may go a long way.
Mary Fer rell wrote to me in the
1990s and told me of this. She was considered by JFK researchers
and authors an expert on the JFK assassination.
See letter from Mary Ferrell to Adamson almost
30 years ago. There in lies the rub, Mary Ferrell's in-law was
CIA who had ties to Allen Dulles, George H. W. Bush, CIA agents,
LBJ and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Should Mary Ferrell have recused herself from
the JFK assassination or was she protecting the reputatio n of her granddaughter
and her husband Curtis Taylor?
In 1964 Stanley Kubrick produced his Oscar
winning movie Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop
Worrying about the H-Bomb which won an Oscar for Best
Picture and several others.
Stanley Kubrick's housekeeper Irene Kennedy-Boyd
Barrett after release of film in 1964, Irene came to work at
the Adamson household in Santa Monica at 352 18th Street. The
film was released on January 29, 1964 after President John F.
Kennedy's assassination less than two months earlier on November
22, 1963. Irene helped get John F. Kennedy elected before she
came to work for our family.
See ciajfk.com/Irene.html
Information for Vol. 13 was
collected in over three years and is loaded with important facts
and exhibits that compile interesting tidbits from the previous
volumes. My work began in 1992 focusing on the assassination
of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, where researchers may have
focused on the wrong Texas oilmen. Howard Hughes' company was
the largest employer of CIA agents at the time and at one point
contracts totaled more than six billion dollars. Oswald was arrested
in Howard Hughes' Texas Theater . Howard Hughes was upset with JFK for
having a fling with Elizabeth Taylor, the teenager he planned
on marrying?
George H. W. Bush should not have signed into
law The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act in
October of 1992 because he knew Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend
George de Mohrenschildt. Also in 1976 Bush Sr. should have disclosed
his ties to George de Mohrenschildt since there were three separate
investigations into John F. Kennedy's assassnation.
Volumes 1
- 6 Volumes 7 - 11 Other
JFK Assassination Timeline Chart
Timeline Chart presents facts. No one listed in the Timeline
Chart is to be presumed guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy,
solely upon his or her association, direct or indirect, to George
De Mohrenschildt, Oswald's closest friend. Any such conclusion
is for the reader to make.
The Timeline Chart contains an enormous amount
of unpublished material. Its preparation contains results of
the author's thorough examination of personal papers of Allen
Dulles, Senator John Tower, George Crew McGhee, Gerald Ford,
Lyndon Johnson, Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt, Nelson Rockefeller,
Hamilton Fish Armstrong, William Henry Chamberlin, Mary Bancroft
and de Mohrenschildt's FBI and CIA files, just for starters.
Some, but not all, of the information is published in the report
of the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassination
Investigations. In order to gather this information in the Timeline
Chart, I have made three trips to Texas and the East Coast. One
trip lasted eight months.
Unless you are an assassination buff, it is
doubtful that you have ever heard of De Mohrenschildt. It took
me about four months just to learn how to properly pronounce
his name. De Mohrenschildt did not become a central figure in
the JFK assassination conspiracy until 1976 when he began telling
the press that wealthy Texas oilmen, including H.L. Hunt were
behind the assassination. If indeed Texas oilmen were in on it,
then H.L. Hunt may not have been the only Texas oilman, for,
like LBJ, De Mohrenschildt seemed to know all of the wealthiest
Texas oilmen.
For a more in-depth look at the timeline,
go here.
JFK Assassination Timeline Chart has just been upgraded to 305 pages and sells for
$40.00 plus postage and handling within the U.S.A. This is
the enlarged easier to read edition without an Index. It
weighs 2 and a half pounds. Send check to address above and request
to be sign...How to be signed.

Vol. I
1,000 Points of Light, (While
the Public Remains in the Dark)
is a detailed analysis
of George Bush's association to Oswald's Closest Friend,
George De Mohrenschildt. The research will focus on George
Bush's involvement with Texas oilman, including H.L. Hunt,
John Mecom, George De Mohrenschildt and to the JFK
assassination. In 1975, when Bush was nominated as CIA
Director, he failed to disclose that he had known de Mohrenschildt
since 1942. Three Congressional Committees Rockefeller,
Church and HCSA looked into the CIA's role in JFK's
assassination. As CIA Director Top Secret documents came up missing
under Bush. In 1976 Bush failed to disclose that
he had known Oswald's closest friend when the HSCA investigation
was to examine the possibility of a conspiracy into JFK's
demise. It will also look at Senator John Tower's ties
to Bush, Oswald and de Mohrenschildt. Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt
has written to the author that Bush had hired de Mohrenschildt
in the 1950s.. Adamson wrote to former President George H.W.
Bush in 1993 on de Mohrenschildt.
H.W. Bush's response
The Public has paraded JFK's assassination photos for the
world to see. Same as Oswald. Why has CIA agent George de Mohrenschildt
been ignored? Would you do this if Oswald was guilty?
Vol. I also
Clearing the Conscience in Manapalan Beach,
this is a thorough investigation and description
of George De Mohrenschildt's suicide of March 29, 1977. De
Mohrenschildt's suicide resulted in the first coroner's inquest
in the State of Florida. It includes interviews of Edward
Jay Epstein and Willem Oltmans. Epstein
was the last person to visit with de Mohrenschildt an
hour before he placed a shotgun in his mouth. Epstein's< closest
friends is the personal adviser to President Bill Clinton,
Sidney Blumenthal.
This booklet is 155 pages ISBN 1-892501-13-9. Send check
to address above and request to be sign...How to be signed if