Bruce Campbell Adamson P.O. Box 3511, Santa Cruz, CA, 95063-- EMAIL is

Bruce is selling his latest video on Madame Wong:

"Still Cooking at 100 Years of Age Shrimp and Peas." Click to find out how you can purchase book and video. Prices have gone up because of increasing costs, photocopying, gas etc.

1999 Bruce's Liver Spotted Dalmations with his automobile -- Nate & Al.

In 2001 Nate & Al drove with Bruce and we all ate at the restaurant Nate & Al's in Beverly Hills. We all had turkey burgers.

Adamson's non JFK Books:

Click to review The Life and Papers of Rufus Easton.

Click to review The Life and Times of Captain George W. Ely.

LITTLE ABNER AND HIS ARK; The ins and outs of Abner Bartlett's role in the building of the Waldorf Hotel in 1893.

Abner's in-law Henry B. Ely's role in the building of the Astoria Hotel and the promotion of the Astor Battery. The first battery formed by a private citizen (J.J. Astor, IV) for the U.S. government.

Read how Abner Bartlett was responsible for getting William Waldorf Astor's obituary on the front page of The New York Times only to have Mr. Astor read it the following day.

This booklet is 55 pages and sells for $15.00. ISBN send check to address above 1-892501-13-9.

For Which We Stand; the life and papers of Rufus Easton

It is odd that the importance of the United States Postal Service should have been so much ignored by those experts who have appointed themselves as historic writers. Throughout the history of the United States there are many individuals who were dedicated and served this great institution and other branches of our government. The U.S. Postal Service is the web that holds this great country together. Next to Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Rufus Easton was one of the most colorful in the Postal history at the dawn of these United States. For Easton was first postmaster of St. Louis while simultaneously judge of the largest territory ever in North America.

The Life and Papers of Rufus Easton is a 300 page manuscript containing all of the above chapters sells for $35.00. This book weighs 30 ounces and is on 8 + x 11 format. Send check to address above and request to be sign...How to be signed.

The Life and Times of Captain George W. Ely.

GEORGE W. ELY was born January 6, 1840, in West Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1857, at 17, he enlisted in the Seventh Regiment of the New York National Guard. George William Ely was a soldier in the Civil War and watchdog of the New York Stock Exchange, a towering figure in both fields. Here is how Colonel Emmons Clark describes Ely the soldier, in his History of The Seventh Regiment: "Captain Ely was a thorough soldier, a strict disciplinarian, and a dashing and popular officer. He was remarkably soldierly in appearance, with great physical strength and powers of endurance. He was distinguished for his kindliness and generosity, and he was a social and genial comrade and a steadfast friend."

This book was edited by my cousins GEORGE W. ELY, III, and William Dodds Hawkins and was accepted into the New York Stock Exchange's archives, New York Public Library, New York Historical Society and many libraries of the U.S.

The Life and Times of George W. Ely is a 100 page manuscript and sells for $25.00, Send check to address above and request to be sign...How to be signed

Adamson Brothers Invention of Lastex: the First Stretchable Clothing.

In 1925 James Harold Adamson and Percy

Adamson (brothers) formed a partnership which resulted in the invention of "Lastex" the first marketable stretchable clothing in 1932. Shortly after the depression Percy borrowed more than $80,000 from James and refused to pay it back. This story is a product that touched almost every person on earth, yet which glory was lost in a family disbute. You've heard of Adam and Eve's sin, but what of Adamson's fruit of the loom? Lastex's trademark was transferred to the DuPont's United States Rubber Company in the early 1930s. Read about the first lawsuit where a partnership was formed on a verbal agreement.

This 50 page booklet includes photographs and sells for $15.00. ISBN 1-892501-15-5. Send check to address above and request to be sign...How to be signed

Adamson's books have been accepted into the following libraries:

Public Libraries:

  • New York Public Library
  • Dallas Public Library
  • New Orleans Public Library
  • Library of Congress
  • Wisconsin State Historical Society

University Libraries * OLDER EDITION

  • Chapel Hill * old version
  • Loyala
  • University of Santa Cruz
  • Irvine
  • Harvard
  • Princeton * old version
  • Kentucky © 2004 Bruce Campbell Adamson